I have found the answer.
....to our desire for slushy drinks at least :) It's sooo awesome and works great! Buy it!
Well, Little One, we only have one month left of the 1st trimester!
This week, you are the size of a green olive. I told your Daddy that I almost feel like I can feel you move sometimes but I know I really can't yet. I'm very anxious to feel you though! I've been a little more emotional and weepy lately...mostly just crying for no reason or sobbing when there is a reason :)
Your daddy and I really feel like you are a girl. It's just a "feeling" but we felt the same way when we didn't yet know that your brother was a boy. Either way, we are very very excited about meeting you! We already have your name picked out and pray for you by both your boy name and your girl name often. You are already deeply loved, sweet child.