I am a wife. The Lord gave me the biggest blessing in the world when I met Nick Fasciano on September 1st, 2007. God answered all my years and years of prayers for my husband when I married him on July 3rd, 2009. Our life is in no way perfect, but I'm very thankful to have him to "do life" with. He's my best friend and life-long love. Read more about our love story and relationship by clicking on the "Our Love Story" icon on the sidebar. "Love is the thing that enables a woman to sing while she mops up the floor after her husband has walked across it in his barn boots". ~Author unknown, as printed in The Hoosier Farmer
I am a mom. Our world changed on July 5th, 2010 when I found out I was expecting a baby! I never thought my heart could hold the love I felt when the midwife placed Adrian in my arms on March 18, 2011. Our life has been love and joy drenched since his arrival and we are relishing our new role as parents. We are so stinkin' proud of Adrian and are so happy to have him in our lives. We are absolutely loving the ups and downs of trying to grow ourselves into godly parents for him. He is a constant picture of the Lord's faithfulness. And...we get to do it again! We were overjoyed to find that our little family was expanding by one more on April 6th 2012. This little one is expected to arrive around mid-December. We are over the moon excited!
"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body". ~Elizabeth Stone
We love the Lord, and our desire is to serve Him every day of our lives.
I hope you enjoy this peek into our scatterbrained world.