Tuesday, October 9, 2012

30 Weeks Pregnant!

30 Weeks Pregnant!

This feels like a big week for me - I'm 3/4 of the way through the pregnancy, with only 10 weeks (maybe less) to go. When I think about how I was 19 weeks when we went to visit family in Waynesville, and how I was 25 weeks when we had our little preterm labor scare, it feels like this will just fly by!

When I was 30 weeks with Adrian, I tore my rib muscle. I'm very grateful that this pregnancy has been much easier so far than Adrian's was - what a blessing!

I've started experiencing morning sickness this week for the first time between both boys. I've felt nauseous both times but never actually got sick and this week I've been sick several times. It's almost funny to me! Thankfully, I don't feel bad before or afterwards.

Adrian has been really sweet towards me and Owen specifically this week. Yesterday when I got sick, I was sitting in the middle of the kitchen with Nick helping me and he told Adrian, "be sweet to Mama" and Adrian came over and rubbed my back and shoulders until I got up. Sweetest boy ever. He also came over to me this morning and lifted my shirt to kiss my belly - oh my, that made me cry! No prompting for that whatsoever. I don't know how much he understands about what's going on, but he sure is being a precious sweetheart about it!

I am almost done with Owen's nursery. I have to organize the last few things, but his bed is made and his curtains are up and the sweet itty bitty things have filled his drawers. Even though he won't be sleeping in his crib for a little while, it feels good to have most of it done. Now I mostly have to focus on the continued cleaning and organization.

I feel like I'm learning a little more about Owen's personality. He's been a bit hard to figure out since he doesn't respond to something as obvious as music like Adrian did (he does react to it, he just doesn't have a dance party in there like Adrian). The other day I was laying on my side and Owen had his foot low in my pelvis and started rhythmically rubbing it back and forth, back and forth for about half an hour. He's already on a pretty predictable awake/sleep schedule and seems content to snuggle in his favorite places (mostly my right side). I think he'll be our little cuddler with a very sweet tender heart. Of course, I can't really say for sure, but that's my guess.

Lastly, we might be making some changes to our birth plan. I don't really want to write about it yet until we know how things will work out, but I'm very excited about it! It's amazing to me how the Lord orchestrates the little things. Thankful!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

29 Weeks Pregnant!

This week has been another full one for baby Owen. I had my glucose/gestational diabetes test (which for some reason I was worried about) and I passed by a wide margin. I asked the midwife to check if he was head down yet and he was laying side to side at the appointment, but I know he still has a lot of room to turn! I went to bed last night thinking that maybe I would make it through this pregnancy without my pelvis opening and cracking like it did with Adrian - but, that wishful thinking ended this morning. Sweet baby boy is getting big!

Surprisingly, I'm finding myself mourning Adrian's single-childness a little bit. I'm trying to treasure these last days where for the most part, it's just he and I during the day. I can tell he doesn't realize that his Mama has a baby on the way, but he does notice my stomach and has seen Owen kick once (it was a large body roll and he ran over and smacked my stomach, wide-eyed and worried). He has been a lot more clingy lately, and is in a definite mama-mode. I'm loving his snuggles and attention and am praying for a peaceful transition for both he and I as we welcome this precious precious little person into our family! 

We found a crib and a changing table at an amazing deal and Nick got it all set up in his little room! It looks great. I'm thinking of ways to calm the obnoxious wood paneling on the walls and I think I might lean on pinterest for some good garland ideas to break up the space. 
Like this? With baby blues?
I started going through all Adrian's newborn clothes and have been slowly getting things put away. 
I'm starting to feel a tiny bit nesty, but at the same time I've been feeling really really exhausted. Nick has been really encouraging by reminding me that if he was born today, we really do have everything in place to be completely okay - which is true. Everything may not look pretty, but we'd be ready! I still want to "stock up" on a few things, but that will all come.

One thing I've been buying a lot from online garage sales is fleece sleep sacks and swaddle blankets. Most of Adrian's newborn sleepers are light-weight, so instead of buying a whole new wardrobe of fleece sleepers, I'm hoping to just be able to put sleep sacks over his lighter clothes to keep him warm. I'm thankful it doesn't get very cold here in Jacksonville.

I'm looking forward to changing some of my methods I used with Adrian when he was a newborn. I'm embracing the part of my personality that is NOT a scheduler and am looking forward to nursing. Since my experience nursing Adrian was in a word...terrible, I've been praying for a lot of endurance and confidence in my future experience of Owen. All in all, my word for this newborn season is "peace"...while with Adrian I tried to do everything by the book and perfect, I will be focusing a lot more on keeping everyone happy and calm and cared for. There will be peace in this home! I'm excited about that!

I re-watched the documentary "The Business of Being Born" (I watched it while pregnant with Adrian) and am getting excited all over again. I was starting to feel a little fearful of the pain of childbirth since I know what to expect this time, but re-learning everything inspired me and I'm back on track again!  I also watched several really beautiful natural childbirths on youtube - made me wish I had the option to have a water birth! I'm going to be talking to my midwife in the next few weeks about using a squatting bar in the hospital instead of delivering on my back - I know the hospital will frown on it because it's not as easy for them to catch the baby, but I think it will make it a lot easier for me.

I thought I'd be a lot more crafty by this point, but I'm just not. I had visions of making tons of new baby blankets and home made swaddlers but I haven't even pulled out my machine! I did find an easy tutorial for paci clips on pinterest so I will whip out a few of those soon - it'd be cute to have ones that matched different outfits.
My To Do list for this month includes:
-Finish organizing Owen's room and putting all his clothes away.
-Start putting things aside for his hospital bag.
-Finalize birth plan and start talking to the midwives about home remedies for GBS, options for using the squatting bar or having a water birth (if possible).
-Make a list (at least) of what to include in gift baskets.

Kids: they dance before they learn there is anything that isn't music.  
~William Stafford
(In honor of my little washing machine dancer.)

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