Friday, December 30, 2011

Fill In the Blank Friday

1.   New Years is  a new beginning. I always love starting over and looking forward to the future. I have a lot to look forward to in 2012!

2.   One of my New Year's resolutions will be to be a better housewife, Christian, mother, and wife (more on that later this week).

3.  A New Year's resolution I've made in the past was to: I never remember my resolutions. Says a lot, huh?

4. The most time consuming resolution I ever made was  exercise every day. NEVER happened.

5.  This year I will be spending New Year's Eve  with our closest friends for a while, if Adrian is able to sleep in the pack-n-play. If not, we'll spend it around the fire pit at home! 

6.  If I could wish one thing for my new year it would be lean on the Lord in a deeper way, be a Godly wife and a dedicated, patient parent.

7.  2012 is going to be  filled with happy changes, hope, and optimism (hopefully - I'm just starting it out right). Can't wait to see what the Lord will do!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page. Take up one hole more in the buckle if necessary, or let down one, according to circumstances; but on the first of January let every man gird himself once more, with his face to the front, and take no interest in the things that were and are past. ~Henry Ward Beecher

In 2011, I gained an unknown amount of baby weight.
I lost most, if not all, of said baby weight.
I stopped painting (not on purpose, but it's hard to do with a baby. I hope to get that back up soon!)
I started sewing, and opened Sewing for Samuel.
I was hugely satisfied by becoming a mother. Motherhood is more than I ever thought it would be - more wonderful, more difficult, more exhausting, more rewarding, more exciting, more emotional, more precious.
And frustrated by my short nursing experience.
I am so embarrassed that I lost a very large amount of my hair 3 months postpartum.
Once again, I was blessed and encouraged by the Lord's continued faithfulness in our lives. When I am weak, He is strong - He has proven that over and over again!
Once again, I did not become a fantastic exercise diva (as planned).
The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is I am not pregnant! This week, Adrian is 42 weeks old, which means I have been not-pregnant as long as I was pregnant!
I loved spending time with my husband and son as a family, with our close friends here in NC that are like a precious family to us, with our family at different times in the year, with our new friends we made at Kellum Baptist Church. Also, blogging, of course.
I should have spent more time organizing the house before Adrian was born. I felt ready, but I really wasn't that prepared for what was really important.
I regret buying a billion nursing clothes. I barely used them.
I will never regret buying our video baby monitor for $80 at Walmart even though with that money I could have bought diapers, formula, baby clothes, etc.
I stress out way too much.
I didn’t seek peace in the Lord enough. This is a lesson I always need to re-learn.
The North Carolina summer heat drove me crazy.
The best thing someone did for me was providing for us when we were financially hurting. We are blessed with THE best friends and family. Again, thank you, thank you.
The one thing I’d like to do again, but do it better, is pregnancy, and the newborn stage. I learned that not everything is as big a deal as I was making it.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Homemade Christmas Presents!

I am such a pinterest fan. Seriously.
If you aren't following me yet, you can follow me here:

I am so very thankful for Pinterest this year, because I got some great ideas to make homemade gifts for all of my family. I love being crafty, and I was able to get great ideas in one place, in a short amount of time, for things that don't cost a lot of money, and turned out really cute.
You be the judge :)

I started making things in October, and I can honestly say I did something Christmassy every single day until it was time to celebrate. It was fun, and I felt good about putting time and thought into gifts instead of a lot of money. If got decides to bless us financially in the future, I still think I may give gifts in this way :)

Here's what I made, thanks to pinterest:

Salt Dough Ornaments (hand and foot prints)
I made these because I KNOW I will want to remember Adrian's cute little hands and feet when he was 9 months old on his first Christmas. This recipe is not so easy - it's easy to find all over pinterest and google, but here are some of my tips based on my experience:
1. Microwaving the dough will make it puffy and ugly and uneven. Don't do it.
2. My oven bakes unevenly, but if your's works great, than use it.
3. Otherwise, letting it air dry will take two weeks or more. If you set it outside, don't forget it in the rain (been there, done that).
4. If you have even a microscopic paper cut, the dough will really really really hurt when you are kneading it thanks to the salt.
5. Besides all that, it's great :)

(The finished product, now hanging on my living room wall)

PhotoCopied Hand Print
When I saw this on pinterest, I had one of those, "wow, why didn't I think of that?" moments, that I'm sure all you other pinners have had. Instructions are easy:
1. Place hand on copier over baby's
2. Photocopy
3. Frame

So cute! This is also hanging on my living room wall :)

There are A MILLION (or more) wreath tutorials on pinterest. I didn't use any to make this wreath, but I love how it turned out. I used ribbon, hot glue, and flowers from Michael's. This was my mom's birthday present - I wanted it to be feminine, sparkly, and pink, like her!

Tip: Michael's has printable coupons online. Print and use!

Cinnamon Dough Ornaments:

This dough recipe was SO MUCH easier than the salt dough recipe. All you need is cinnamon, apple sauce (I used cinnamon apple sauce) and elmer's glue.  I cut them into star shapes and tied them onto gifts for sweet-smelling happiness :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Fill In the Blank Friday

1.   The best way to spread Christmas cheer is     obviously by "singing loud for all to hear" :)   .

2.   The thing I love most about Christmas is that this is Adrian's first and Nick and I get to create our very own meaningful traditions that will grow with him (hopefully).

3.  The holiday season is a time for re-evaluating what's important and re-connecting with those that mean most to you.

4. My favorite thing to eat at the holidays is   well, this isn't really something you "eat" but I look forward all year to peppermint mocha creamer! Mmm I wish that stuff was here all year 'round.

5.  I will be spending Christmas    with Nick, Adrian and Andrea. I'm really looking forward to a low-key Christmas for sure!

6.  Tis better to (give or receive?)   give. I love giving gifts. I never remember what I got but I always remember that perfect gift I found for someone. I just love that.

7.  I'm dreaming of a    stress-free, fun, relaxing, and memorable     Christmas.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Agh, late! Adrian is 9 Months Old!

Adrian is 9 months old! This update is late because it's Christmas and everything is crazy...we've visited friends every single day this past week and I haven't had the time to commit to blogging that I usually do. Anyways, Adrian hasn't had any huge milestones in the past month = he is faster at crawling, still pulling up on everything, and is mischievous and adorable as ever! We are excited about celebrating his first Christmas together - so fun. Anyways, that's all the update I have for now!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Be Ready to Give an Answer

I am a part of an online community of moms. I like it a lot because I can get advice from other moms as well as the feeling that I'm not alone at this stage of life.

Today, in a group I'm not a part of, someone posted this:

"Who else believes that although Jesus was a real person, good kind loving and caring, that Mary didn't lie through her teeth because she was unmarried when she got pregnant? I mean back than, YOU COULD BE KILLED for less than that. I think she and Joseph did the naughty.  And she LIED about it to protect the two of them.  I think the star that was seen on the night of his birth was probably a comet or other celestial event and since the big guys had heard Mary's explanation, (Hey I never had sex, I simply woke up one morning and was pregnant and by the way, an angel told me its god's kiddo) They took that celestial event as a sign. Sorry thats what I believe"


I took the bait.

There were a few women bashing Christianity in every way, shape or form and I took my time to answer a few of the statements with the Bible as my background. Some of you reading this may think that that was probably unwise, but most likely in "real life" no one comes up to a Christian and says, "please tell me- why do you believe what you believe?" And, again, in real life, you can't give them "church answers". At least not anymore.

On Wednesday, my Pastor mentioned that the current generation of youth is not satisfied with just accepting Christ and Christianity as easily as previous generations have. I acknowledge that this is my generation - we need answers, mostly because we realize we're allowed to ask the questions!  50 years ago, a person couldn't grow up to be anyone they wanted. Money, birth right, family, and status determined who a person could become.  In general, women were homemakers and stay-at-home-moms, and now that is a position that needs to be defended. People took information at face value, and there wasn't google, ipads, smart phones or anything else to instantly disprove that information. Now we have literally the answers to everything we need to know at our fingertips instantly - why shouldn't my generation have all the answers to all the questions we're inevitably going to ask?  "Jesus loves me, this I know" just doesn't cut it anymore - even though I sure wish it did!

Later on in the conversation, she asked me, "Why don't you believe in Zeus?" I replied, "Zeus is dead. Zeus didn't die for me. Jesus did".

She says, "prove it (without the Bible)".

I drew a blank! I don't know how to answer her question without the Bible. The Bible is good enough for me, but it is not for her. However, I believe I should have an answer for her. I privately messaged her trying to answer a few of her questions, but the whole situation stumped me for sure. I realize that I need to be better about knowing the historical part of Christianity (not my strong point for sure) so I can answer these tough questions.

It is life or death, after all.

Fill In the Blank Friday

1.   My most favorite "little thing" is  cuddling with my hubby. It makes me so happy.

2.   I give anything to have a happy, loving family.

3.  I can't believe that some of our closest friends are all leaving in the next few months. I'm so happy for them but I will miss them so badly!

4. The one thing I'd like to achieve today is cleaning the bathroom, put laundry away and wrap these $5 gifts for the party tonight. Ambitious, I know.

5.  The last thing I want to do today is wash dishes. But I'm getting better at being okay with that :)

6.  If I were writing my own blank today, it would say: I'm drawing a blank.
7.  My favorite candle scent is  "Pine", currently. I love the smell of Christmas trees filling my Christmas-tree-less house.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Even You Can Give!

I love Christmas. I love everything about it.
One thing I really love the most is how generous everyone is around Christmas. Nick and I have been the grateful people on the receiving end a lot of times, and we try to find ways to give as much as we can.

That's why I'm really excited to share this opportunity that I came across this morning on ShabbyBlogs Blog.  My little sister is in Africa right now, working with orphans. I wish I could scoop up those sweet little children and bring them home with me, but I can't at this point in my life. However, these people are doing just that.

Did I give? You bet your bottom dollar I did. And you can too...we can all afford to give a dollar (or two) to these families who are doing something wonderful!
My sister and some of her new friends.  

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,  I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
    “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
   “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’"
Matthew 25:35-40

Monday, December 12, 2011

Early Morning Adventures

My cats have been bad.
So, they have become outside/partially inside cats. They seem to enjoy it and we enjoy it too. 

However, one of my cats (Ava) is really bad at being an outside cat.
This morning she got herself stuck in a really high tree!
Nick bravely set out after her on top of a ladder, but was unable to reach her in time to leave for work.
Mollie tried to help but it was no use.

So, I guess Ava will be stuck there until Nick comes home and is either able to get her down with a different ladder or can call the fire department.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Fill In the Blank Friday

1.   Love is  worth fighting for. Unfortunately it's something that is seen as almost a fairy tale in society today, but it's something that should be preserved and admired.

2.   Being in love feels like trust, excitement, fear, completion, friendship, amazement, exhaustion, adoration. 

3.  My favorite quote about love is  "He was my coffee and I was his cream, and when you poured us together, it was something"

4. The most important thing in a relationship is equal 100% effort. "Love" is hard work, and it's never okay to be lazy about it or not make an effort to show love even when we don't "feel" like it. If we're both trying and include the Lord in the process of loving completely, it will work.

5.  A "deal breaker" for me in a relationship is  abuse of my child(ren).

6.  The way I show love in my relationships is  being appreciative of the things he does, cleaning up after him, cooking for him, being silly with him, loving him, having his back, respecting and taking part in what he likes to do, encouraging him, praying for and with him, apologizing and accepting apology.

7.  I love  Nick Fasciano :D

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fill In the Blank Friday

1.   The holiday season is  new and exciting this year since it's Adrian's first. I'm really excited about it, and excited about making our own traditions and creating our own fun things to look forward to.

2.   Snow makes me happy if I'm at home or somewhere warm where I can take pictures of it. I don't really like being out in it, or especially driving in it, although that will change too when our kids are old enough to play in it.

3.  The best comfort food to eat when it's cold out is anything warm, whether it's soup or pasta. Lately Nick and I have been curling up at night with hot chocolate. It makes us feel like kids again!

4. Winter is the best time for  wearing hoodies, which is my favorite thing to wear in the whole world. As ladylike as I try to be/dress, I can't shake my love for them!

5.  I can hardly wait for Christmas weekend at home with Nick, Andrea, and Adrian. I want them to open their gifts, and I can't wait to cook Christmas dinner for the first time ever. Lots of firsts are happening this year and I love it!

6.  When it comes to holiday gifts I prefer to  give. Sure, I love getting gifts too, but mostly by the time the next year comes around, I never even remember what I got. I DO remember what I worked on/made/shopped for for my loved ones though! I'm really excited about this year.

7.  If I were to rate my excitement about the holiday season on a scale from 1-10, I would say I am at about a  9. I'm in full-blown kid mode this year for sure!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Merry Christmas - Love the Fasciano Family

I had every intention of sending out a nice photo card to all of you sweet friends, but for several reasons (not the least being that I couldn't find a favorite picture or an online photo card that I really liked), I have decided to write a Christmas letter to you via blog. I'm sure I'm not the first who has used this method.

Looking back on this year, I feel like I have to take a deep sigh, close my eyes, and take a deep breath. This year has been so FULL for us. FULL of emotion, FULL of ups and downs, FULL of extreme joy and deep sorrow. 2011 will certainly not be easily forgotten.  If I thought I had anything at all under control, this year has certainly proved that I am nothing and can accomplish nothing without Christ.  

Of course, welcoming Adrian into our family was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to us, ever.  As you know, we are in LOVE with him, and with parenthood. Becoming a mom this year has been the absolute biggest blessing of my life and I know Nick feels the same way about being a dad.  We are excited even more now about watching our family grow.

We are thankful for YOU and for the precious friends and family that God has placed in our lives. I hope this Christmas will be a wonderful one for you and your family.  

Merry Christmas!

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