Tuesday, June 26, 2012

15 Weeks Pregnant!

This is a big week for us! This week we find out if we have a boy or a girl on the way - a precious son or daughter! My heart is so full and I can't WAIT to know what our family dynamic will be :) Nick and I are discussing names and we for sure have a first name for either gender. We are deciding between two middle names for each, and while I wish we could have it all decided by today, I would rather us both really love it before he/she is named. SO, I'll be able to update later with our name and continue to update about the baby using his her name for the rest of the pregnancy - how very exciting.

This week:

-I felt the baby move a lot this week, on both sides of my stomach. Mostly on the left which is interesting because I've always heard the heartbeat on the right.

-Can hear the heartbeat on the doppler without "searching". I love hearing that beautiful sound!

- I've felt pretty sick this week. Lots of nausea and dry-heaving and major sensitivity to smells. I've been craving plain jane pepperoni and cheese pizza and have found that peppermints help the nausea.

- Had a stranger (an odd one) tell me it's a girl because I'm carrying low. I'm carrying a whole lot higher than I carried Adrian so I thought that was weird. Hmm.

- Have been getting dizzy a lot and blacked out on Sunday. I plan on asking the Dr. about that tomorrow.


He's a BOY!!!
Our ultrasound was great - it was so fun to get a non-medical ultrasound because we could ask to see whatever we wanted. We are calling this little one Owen! At this point, we're still discussing middle names, but hopefully we know soon. 

We are very excited!!

I love this boy already!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Adrian's Boo Boo

Poor little guy cut his mouth while playing with a frying pan the other day. Frying pans are dangerous - who knew? I usually like to let him bang on our pots and pans but we'll definitely be keeping him away from them in the future.

He is so good at posing for photos. I love it!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Little Rose Garden

This week, I found my favorite Knock-Out Roses on sale at Walmart! I am SO very excited. My Mother's Day gift bush has really blossomed in the last week and I'm excited about having more.

I have dug holes, got my fingers and knees dirty, planted bushes, laid mulch, and positioned stakes so they'll all grow well. Now I have five bushes that should be beautiful in a couple of weeks.

Plus...our little trailer looks all happy and homey now. I'm very pleased.

Hopefully more bushes go on sale by the end of the summer - I'm wondering if $1 is too much to hope for?

14 Weeks Pregnant!

Not a lot happened this week, but things are still going well!

-Baby is the size of a lemon!

-Experienced a little nausea for two full days in a row this week. First real nausea this pregnancy.

-Baby has been moving a lot, but is not as active as Adrian was at this point.

-Belly is higher and more rounded.

-Still having food aversions, but no real appetite and no significant cravings.

14 week Pregnant Picture:

NEXT WEEK we find out if we're having a little precious 
 Pray that baby cooperates.


Saturday, June 16, 2012


Nick got me a new rose bush for mother's day. I love it!
I had a rose bush at our old house and it's doing really well - every time I drive by I see it's almost as tall as the house now!

These roses are really pretty. They're a vibrant hot pink color. They brighten our little porch steps beautifully.

"Which is loveliest in a rose? Its coy beauty when it's budding, or its splendour when it blows?"
George Barlow

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sink Bath

Love him sooooo much.

Making a Card for Daddy

Adrian and I made a Father's Day card for Nick the other day while he was at work. I had visions of little painted hand-prints and giggling with Adrian as he recklessly smeared paint everywhere. Turns out, he's pretty apathetic about paint. Which meant he was not at all reckless. Oh well.

Father's Day is Sunday and I'm sure Nick will love it :)

Adrian uses a fork!

Adrian has learned to use a big boy fork! Actually, he totally skipped over using the "little boy" fork. He loves it and is so so so proud of himself when he gets a bite on the fork and into his mouth.

Of course, we're proud too :)

I have found it easier to let him eat in a t-shirt instead of a shirt and a bib. It's less laundry to just let him get it on the shirt :) Obviously, he's really good at making a mess at meal time!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

13 Weeks Pregnant!

Yay 2nd Trimester!

Here's what's going on:

- Can't sleep at night. Officially can't sleep on my belly and because the baby is on my right side, I feel like I'm squashing him/her when I sleep on my right side, and (s)he feels heavy in my stomach when I sleep on my left. Comes with the territory, but that's okay.

-I've been feeling the baby a lot. Yesterday, I was sitting at my desk with my knees to my chest and I could feel him/her kicking against my leg. I think (s)he was changing positions, which is why I could feel it so definitely...very awesome.

-Burst into tears Sunday night because I can't believe we get to have TWO precious blessings.

-More people are noticing my belly. I thought we'd told everyone...but I got a lot of "oh my...are you PREGNANT?" this week. That's kind of fun.

- TWO WEEKS until we hopefully find out the gender (if baby cooperates). We've been training Adrian to say the names we've picked - it's very cute. I think I found a fun way to announce either boy or girl on facebook.

- I've eaten approximately 456 popsickles this week. Soooo yummy. I got healthy ones so that makes it okay :)

-Still can't stand eggs or much of anything else.

Here's my belly at 13 weeks:

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

12 Weeks Pregnant!

According to different sources, this is either my last or second to last week in the 1st trimester! I feel relieved, blessed, excited. I confessed to Nick that I feel so overwhelmed to have been entrusted with Adrian, who is the most precious boy in the world, that I've had a hard time accepting that the Lord has blessed us in the same HUGE way once again. 
I've know about this little one for nine weeks now, but it has taken quite a while to sink in that another sweet person is going to be filling our hearts and home. 
I keep thinking, "we get to keep this baby". 
I'm just blessed. No other words to describe it.

I had a doctor's appointment since last update and it went well. I've been going to the same place that I went with Adrian, and this time around it seems that the nurses and midwives are more relaxed around me since I'm a return patient. That's been nice. My lack of morning sickness is not a concern, thankfully, and so I'm starting to take everyone's advice and consider myself lucky. I guess I "got used" to pregnancy being a certain way and it's been sooo very different!

I got to hear the heartbeat at the doctor's this time! The baby was very active - I could hear him/her doing flips and somersaults and the midwife said she was having a hard time catching him/her to hear the heartbeat. It was a strong 160.

I'm sure I felt the baby twice last night. That was exciting! Just little thumps like when I first felt Adrian. I'm so excited to be in this part of pregnancy - I love it!
12 weeks with Mini Ghees.
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