Monday, February 28, 2011

One Perfect Song

About a year ago I discovered the song, "Why" by Rascal Flatts.  Nick bought me their CD and when I listened to this song, I was shocked at how perfectly it mirrored my Dad's last days of his life.  I actually thought about writing the band to let them know about my testimony and my dad's story so they could see how closely they parallelled. I just thought I'd share it here - it might encourage you if you've gone through a situation similar to mine!

It must've been in a place so dark you couldn't feel the light
Reachin' for you through that stormy cloud
Now here we are gathered in our little hometown
This can't be the way you meant to draw a crowd

Oh, why? That's what I keep askin'
Was there anything I could have said or done?
Oh, I had no clue you were masking
A troubled soul, God only knows what went wrong
And why you'd leave the stage in the middle of a song

Now in my mind I keep you frozen as a seventeen year old
Roundin' third to score the winning run
You always played with passion no matter what the game
When you took the stage, you shined just like the sun

Oh, why? That's what I keep askin'
And was there anything I could have said or done?
Oh, I had no clue you were masking
A troubled soul, oh, God only knows what went wrong
And why you'd leave the stage in the middle of a song

Now the oak trees are swayin' in the early autumn breeze
The golden sun is shining on my face
The tangled thoughts I hear a mockingbird sing
This old world really ain't that bad a place

Oh, why? There's no comprehending
And who am I to try to judge or explain?
Oh, but I do have one burning question
Who told you life wasn't worth the fight?
They were wrong, they lied, and now you're gone, and we cried

'Cause it's not like you to walk away in the middle of a song
Your beautiful song, your absolutely beautiful song

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fill In The Blank Friday

I got this from a fun little blog I sometimes read:
1.   I am currently obsessed with       vintage and shabby chic anything.  It started when I made this blog, but now I'm loving the clothing and decorations that are in style.  I never even liked style until now!

2.  Today I am    anxious     because,    I know Adrian is coming soon and I'm getting nervous about going through labor.  I hope I can make it through med-free like we want..

3.  The age I am is    22     and the age I feel is    22 and sometimes not even that old.  Since I was 15 I feel like I know less and less about the world the older I get.

4.  My favorite place is     the beach, or anywhere new and exciting.  I love traveling and wish I could go overseas and I am sad it's been 5 years since I left the country!

5.  Something I have been procrastinating is      cleaning the car again.  We cleaned it two weeks ago when we thought I was headed towards labor and now I need to vacuum it again.  It's too cold though and my neighbors are too creepy.

6.  The last thing I purchased was        a really awesome vintage chic shirt for sale at Sears for 75% off.  And it is not a maternity shirt. You know why? I'm not going to be pregnant for much longer!
7.  The thing I love most about my home is       who I live with.  I love my husband and the little rituals we have that make us happy.  I love my cats and their cuddliness and I love the waiting baby things in our room ready for Adrian!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

38 Week Doctor's Appointment

We had our 38 week doctor's appointment today.  It went good, mostly because I've "come back to earth" now that it's two weeks since I thought Adrian was coming :)  Also, my favorite midwife was on call today and I always feel more comfortable when she is the one we're working with (I see a different midwife every appointment). 

As far as progress, I'm still about in the same place as I was last week, although Adrian's head is now completely in my pelvis - which is a good sign.  Since I'm still having Braxton Hicks contractions, I know he could still come any time but there's not really been any "sure" sign of labor.

If all of you who read this would pray:

If you read my last post, you saw that God has answered our prayers above and beyond what we could ask for!!! Nick's new job is wonderful and we're so grateful.  However, he will have to go away for 2 weeks, right at my due date.  PLEASE PRAY that Adrian comes this weekend so Nick can have some time with us before he has to go away.  The midwife I mentioned above is on call on Friday and Sunday, and Nick and I have been praying for weeks that she would be there to deliver Adrian.  We believe in the power of prayer! Obviously, this is not life or death :) but it would be pretty great. 

On a more serious note - A friend I have known my entire life recently found out he has cancer.  He received some good news this week that the cancer is not as far along as his doctors first thought, but he will have to go through chemo.  Our God works in ways we can't understand, but He is always good! Please pray for complete and quick healing for Cosbie Hollenbeck, and pray for his family and sweet fiance, Caitlin. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nick Got a Job!

As many of you know, Nick resigned from his full-time insurance job at the end of October (officially on paper, December) last year - it was a mutual decision between him and his boss since there was no work coming in here in Jacksonville, and so work was very very slow for about 6 months prior to that.  The past 4 months have been a test of faith for us to say the least as we have trusted in the Lord to provide for us. God has been faithful and we have been overwhelmed and blessed through our generous church, friends, and family.  Still, the burden of not having a job with a baby on the way has been a lot to carry.  It is always hard to deal with the unknown - what a relief to know that the Lord sees the bigger picture!

Nick has applied daily to different jobs both in insurance and everything else and got his first positive feedback and chance of an interview about two weeks ago.  The job was with GMAC auto insurance and offered a salaried position with benefits.  We have held our breath through the interview process, scared to get too excited if this was not what the Lord wanted for us.

Today Nick had his last and 4th interview and received a call from HR with an offer within the next hour.  Of course we accepted - God has provided for Nick to work a solid, salaried job, from home, with benefits including insurance.  These are all things we have hoped for but never thought would actually happen!  Nick starts on Tuesday and the timing couldn't have been more perfect.

Nick will have to go away about 3 hours from Jacksonville on March 7th for a two- week training.  He'll be able to come home on the weekends, but this is the same time that Adrian is due.  Please pray that Adrian decides to come this week so his daddy can have some un-interrupted time with him before leaving.  We trust in God's timing with this too and know He has a way of working through these details!

THANK YOU all of you who have encouraged us, prayed for us, given to us whether financially or in other ways, and have stood by us through this time!  We love you all and are blessed to have people in our lives who love us like you do. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

My First Trip to Labor and Delivery

Well, Nick and I took our first little trip to Labor and Delivery at Onslow Memorial last night.  When I was getting ready for church, I started to get tunnel vision, although I didn't feel weird anywhere else at the time.  There was a small blurry spot in the center of my vision that eventually got worse to where I couldn't see anything clearly.  Nick called the on-call midwife when I started feeling dizzy and she said we should go to the ER right away.

By the time I got there, I had an intense headache, my ears were ringing, my hands and mouth were numb and I still couldn't see.  We were sent straight to L&D and I was put to bed with monitors strapped to me in several places.  Soon, I started feeling better, and the nursing staff did several tests while I layed there to be monitored for several hours. 

Nick was giddy with the thought that we might actually have Adrian.  He was so sweet running around the room commenting on all the little baby items prepared for newborns.  He talked to Adrian a lot and was so excited when Adrian's heart rate went up every time he heard his daddy's voice.  He read to him and talked to him the whole time we were there, and the nurse said that Adrian was the healthiest baby on the floor based on his heart rate and movement :) Nick and I were so proud!

After my blood tests came back all completely normal and stable, the nurse suggested that my heart rate had probably dropped significantly and quickly and my body reacted in a strange way.  Being this far along, pregnancy can do strange things to a woman's body so it's hard to pin-point the reasons things happen.  She said she was glad we came in, because my symptoms were of something very serious, although thankfully in my case, I was fine.  ALL the nurses who saw me were extremely nice.  They took their time explaining everything to us and making us relaxed and comfortable.  I'm very thankful that we got to see the L&D unit and see what the staff was like before I actually go into labor, even though it wasn't the best of circumstances.  I know we'll be well taken care of.

Friday, February 18, 2011

37 Week Doctor Appointment

I've been pregnant for 248 days.  That's 5,952 hours, 357,120 minutes, and 21,427,200 seconds. 

It's been a long time.

I'm really anxious to have Adrian here! We went to the doctor this morning and my sweet baby's heartbeat was healthy and strong.  I have progressed about twice as much as last week, but that doesn't really mean I can count on seeing my baby soon.  I had got myself all excited that he might be coming this week and now I'm struggling with the disapointment of him not being here yet!  I need to get it in my head again that it could be a few weeks.

I have another doctor's appointment next week so I'm hoping for more progression, if not a delivery before then!  God knows sweet Adrian's birthday, and I'm glad he's doing okay.

On a random note.  Here's another quote that inspired me and I thought you'd like:

Have a good day, blog friends!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Quote of Today

I saw this quote on another blog today, loved it, and thought I'd share with you.
If you want a copy of this image, it's under "free stuff".

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This Wednesday Morning

So, I had this idea in my head that I would be blissfully pain-free until the moment of my first contraction.


Come on, Adrian, we're ready to meet you!

Here's the evolution of "the bump" over the last 9 months (8 weeks to 35 weeks - I'm now 37 weeks).  I'm ready for the de-evolution :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This Waiting Game We Play

For those of you who don't know, this weekend has been quite a little adventure.  It seems that my little boy is making preparations to come a little early.  No, I'm not in labor as I'm writing this, but we have had a few "scares" that has given us the wake up call we've probably needed!

Almost this entire pregnancy, especially lately, almost everyone has been telling me that first born babies arrive late.  Now, I know this isn't completely true as I am the first born and was a week early, but I realize it happens a lot.  In fact, two of my friends who were due end of January ended up both being at least a week late (but I'm now so happy that baby boy Kaievan and baby girl Dylan are happy and healthy and here as of a few days ago!!!).  So, I kind of had it in my head that Adrian would be late as well.  I am certainly ready for him to be, and hope to get to meet him this week!

In our panic, Nick and I got almost ALL the household chores done we've been putting off.  I cleaned the bathroom, pantry, kitchen (even the lamp shades), dusted everything, organized the nursery and our bedroom where Adrian will be for at least a month and a half, and packed for the hospital.  I am almost giddy that his diaper bag is packed with handsome little outfits for him!  All will be securely in the newly cleaned and vacuumed car in the next couple days.  Whew.  Here's some pics of Adrian's bassinet (thank you, Erica!), his possible coming home outfit (thank you, Gramsie!), the thank-you basket for the L&D nurses, and my packed suitcase. 

One fun, wonderful thing that happened this weekend is the baby shower from my wonderful friends at Tar Landing Baptist Church!  Michele, Dana, and Julianna put sooo much time, money and effort into making me feel blessed and I certainly did!  The shower was Safari-themed, and it was perfectly coordinated from the cake to the decorations.  I felt truly overwhelmed and I KNOW I am so blessed to have such great friends as these!  Many women from the church came and blessed us with diapers, wipes, books, clothes and other things for Adrian.  We are well-taken care of and lacking nothing!  Nick and I feel so grateful to attend a church that is SO generous and SO giving - this is something we are passionate about, and while we've been placed humbly in the receiving end of it these past few months, we are excited about being a part of a church that gives! If any of you from church are reading this...THANK YOU!

I'm hoping to have lots more things to write in the next week or two.  The Lord has truly been the "lifter of our heads" this week in many ways and I can't wait to be able to brag about Him and what He's done soon! He is faithful!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day! (Or Hubby Brag Day)

"You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs,
but I look around me and I see it isn't so
Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs and
what's wrong with that?
I'd like to know, 'cause here I go again
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you"

I LOVE Valentine's Day.  I will readily admit that I love the cheesiness of it - the gifts, the dates, the commercialized excitement of it.  I think it's cute.  Of course, people will say, "Oh...I don't need a holiday to prove my love".  Well neither do I, but we have one, so I'll sure take advantage of it, thank you!  I certainly am one to find fun in cheesiness though...with me, it is the thought that counts for sure :)

Please enjoy this throwback - taken on what we call "the" date :)

Do you know who else I love?  My sweet precious hubby, Nick.  He is all for my love of cheesiness, and figured it out from almost the first moment when he started writing notes on the back of my (paid for) restaurant checks when I'd visit him during his shift when I wasn't working.  I think the first gift he gave me was a frame with the first picture we'd taken together in it (which is hanging in my kitchen now) and a giant peppermint stick.  How he got that I loved peppermint in a matter of 5 days of knowing me, I'll never know!

Of course, it's great to be married to a super romantic guy, but Nick is also my best friend.  We really really love being together!  I guess coming from the background that I do, I never had super high hopes that my marriage would be that great...I wanted it to be successful, but I was hyper-aware of the reality that is most marriages.  Before you go shaking your head at how I've only been married a year and 7 months, just know that I know that we really our blessed :)  Nick is consistently focused on the Lord, whatever our difficulties (and we've had a list of them already in our short marriage), and is always a solid leader in our home, making sure our focus is constantly on the Lord.  He is humble, funny, giving, and gentle.  I am madly in love with him...even more than I was when he swept me off my feet in fall of 2007.  I am one blessed woman!

That saying, my hubby has spoiled me with a week of valentines! 

With the possibility of Adrian coming so soon, I am sooo excited to be part of this parent-team with Nick. He is going to be an excellent Daddy! I have every belief that my child will have no doubt in his mind that his Dad loved him and cared for him and pored everything he could into him. How awesome is that?

Ps. Want to know what I got Nick? Wii Sports Resort - found for a super good deal on  He's a happy man.

I hope you all are enjoy your love celebration day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy 36 Week Appointment!

We had our 36 week appointment today. I was afraid that our doctor's office would be closed due to the "snow storm" we were supposed to receive last night.  Thankfully, it wasn't.

I had a lot of braxton hicks contractions yesterday, starting when I first got up in the morning then fading out until they were pretty consistent and painful for several hours in the evening.  I knew it wasn't the "real thing" which was a good thing because I don't want Adrian to be born 3 1/2 weeks early, but also a bad thing because the contractions really hurt and I know I'll have to deal with them again soon! Nick did a great job coaching me through them so I know we'll be an excellent team when the time comes...especially with our goal of a med-free delivery.

We had an ultrasound today. I don't have any good pictures because Adrian is so big and his head has dropped almost completely into my pelvic area.  All we could see were body parts, but everything looks great and he is healthy.  I'm measuring 4 days ahead of schedule (yay).  Adrian is estimated to be 6 pounds, 13 ounces (I knew he was at least 6lbs!), and the tech said he is going to be a very tall boy.  I am happy that he is healthy, growing, and in the right position!  I can't wait to meet him soon!

I had the Strep B test done, and I'll be anxious to hear the results of that.  I really want to labor at home for as long as possible, so I'll be disappointed if I have to sit in a hospital bed with IVs of antibiotics in my arm during labor as opposed to moving freely around my home.  The midwife also says I'm 2 cm dilated and Adrian is at the -1 station.  So those contractions I had last night weren't all for nothing!

I'll now be going to the Dr. once a week until Adrian's birthday, so that will be good.  We're down the the last little bit!  We're looking forward to having our baby home with us!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Man Book

When I was 15, I was introduced to something that genuinely changed my life.  A friend of mine (well, a few, actually) shared with me how they journaled love letters to their future husbands.  These letters were pretty "raw", sweet, loving and open conversations to these men my friends had never met.  I was immediately interested. 

I bought the cheapest, but biggest journal I could find from Barnes & Noble.  I bought a few stickers, and wrote the most embarrassing, innocent, mushy love letter you will ever read.  I of course had no clue about love, or marriage, or anything and that first letter sure proved it!  I filled the lined page with my neatest handwriting, and covered any blank space with the stickers I bought.  Precious.  My future "first" letters were not much better, quality-wise, but I had to start somewhere! My first letters also mimicked what I'd seen in my friend's notebooks, but it didn't take me long to allow my own creativity flow onto the pages.  I called this journal my MAN BOOK.

"Man-booking" became a life-saver for me by the time I got to college.  I firmly believe that God knows who one person will marry, as opposed to "several options that could be right" as others believe.  I'm not saying that I'm right, I'm just saying this helped with my journaling.  Writing to my future husband, with only him in mind, kept my girlish obnoxiousness in control.  He began to form in my mind, not physically really, but in the understanding that he did exist, and was hopefully waiting for me as well.  I would write almost daily, putting hours of effort and thought into every word I wrote.  Manbooking became a full-fledged, time consuming art project for me! It was calming to think that someone whom I hadn't met was "listening" to the very rawest part of my heart as I shared in detail my most private feelings and thoughts.  I introduced manbooking to my roommates and best friends at college, and we'd have manbooking nights where we decorated the pages and sat sprawled on the floor in silence, falling in love with the man God had for us.

Journaling to my husband brought me closer to the Lord.  I would pray for every detail of my future husband's life: his heart, his relationships, his temptations, his purity, his everything.  I began to experience an openness with the Lord I hadn't felt before...I of course had prayed to God about things that were important to me, but I'm sure any woman would agree that her heart is the most precious, protected thing in her life.  Baring it before the Lord and my man-book journal made me vulnerable and willing for the Lord to work in me and prepare me for this man I waited for.  I journaled throughout my first relationship at school, although not as often, and I know the Lord used it to convict me in how I was handling myself.

I remember the night I met Nick, I wrote to my journal, "I think I finally met you".  I'm glad I was right or I would have had to scratch that out eventually!!  Nick allowed me to read his personal journal early in our relationship so I could know all about him.  There were several times when my journal entries of prayers for my future husband lined up with Nick's prayers for his future wife.  I do not believe this was a coincidence! 
It was so exciting to write "Nick" in the header the night we got engaged as opposed to my normal, "dear future husband" I was used to writing.  I gave Nick the first of FOUR volumes of the manbook on Valentine's Day the year we got married. Honestly, he wasn't as excited about it as I imagined, but that's ok. He has enjoyed reading through the hundreds of letters throughout our marriage.  By that time, I had found the man God had prepared for me...the man I had waited. for.  God is sooo good.

Does this sound like a good idea to you?  If you're interested in starting your own man-book (which I recommend to every friend or young teenager, here are some starting tips:

1. Start small.  Don't try to write too much or say more than you really mean.
2. Make a point to pray for your husband and don't be afraid to ask for the things one may think are too "big" for God to handle - ex. his purity.  Even in this world, God can use your prayers to protect your husband from the temptations bombarding him every day.
3. Have fun! I loved going to Michael's and picking out stickers and embellishments to make journaling more creative.
4. Wait.  Don't put anybody's name in the journal.  You will know when God answers your prayers. It is tempting to have a man in your mind when you are writing, but do your best to not get carried away with emotions.  Try not to have "someone" in mind when never know what God can do in the time it takes to fill these pages!
5. Worship.  This time you spend journaling can be a very worshipful experience with the Lord. Invite Him into your heart and head as you fall in love again with the One who first stole your heart - Christ Jesus.

Enjoy! If you have any questions, feel free to message or email me :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

8 Months Down, 1 To Go!

As of today, I am exactly one month away from meeting my sweet baby boy.  I can't really explain how I feel at this point - I just can't believe I'm here!  I know these next few weeks will fly by.  My biggest excitement right now is: holding him in my arms in a matter of days.  My biggest fear is:  Him arriving late (I'm planning on having a natural childbirth, and a late baby means a bigger baby - thus, the fear).  I know God knows exactly how this is going to happen, and I do trust His plan!

My plans for today are to finish cleaning our bedroom and setting up the baby things I want in there.  We're hoping to move to a different, better place as soon as Nick gets a job (which will be hopefully soon), so I've been packing a little bit so I won't have all of it to do when I have a newborn in the house.  Because of this, I don't plan on having a beautiful, decorated nursery by the time he arrives, although it will be neat and organized.  Right now, I'm setting up the bassinet next to the bed, stocking drawers with diapers, wipes and other necessities, and getting our hospital bags packed!  I'm soooo excited. 

It's fun preparing all of this and imagining my little one here.  What an adventure.  I know a newborn is going to change our lives, but I honestly can't think of a single thing in my current way of life that I will miss "losing" upon having a child - except maybe sleep.  But I haven't slept in 3 months anyways so I should be used to it by now!  This is a welcome, wonderful change.  I can't wait to meet you, sweet baby Adrian!

In conclusion, here's a picture of my little feline shadow, Ava.  She makes these days when Nick's not here less lonely.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in couple's "how we met" stories.  For years, I imagined what mine would be.  Now I have one, and I have time to sit down and share it with you!

I had the privilege of attending Liberty University straight out of high school.  I was ready to grip life by the horns, and relished my new-found "freedom".  I enjoyed the new friends I met, including the boyfriend I snagged day one of college.  I didn't consider a lot of how such a quick relationship would effect me, and the Lord taught me a lot during that year that we dated.  Although I had considered some things about dating, I certainly didn't have a "game plan" of how I would go about it once I actually got to where I was making my own decisions for myself when I was on my own.

Thankfully, God has ways of using our mistakes to our good and His glory. 

I landed my first "real" job summer of 2007 working as a waitress at Cracker Barrel in GA.  I actually really loved it.  I loved the challenge of the people I both worked with and served, and I liked the feeling at the end of the shift that I had done a good job.  I also had to learn to handle life as a Christian in a very non-Christian work environment...including adjusting to how guys treat women in the "world" respect-wise as opposed to the church as I was used to.  As soon as I went back to LU to begin my Sophomore year, I went to Cracker Barrel there in Lynchburg to try to transfer.  As optimistic as management was there of hiring someone they didn't have to train, it took a good two weeks until I could put a starting date in my planner: September 1st, 2007.

August 27th, my boyfriend and I ended our relationship.  I was very much not interested in pursuing another relationship, and planned on being single for quite a while.  Boys were better as friends, anyways. The work the Lord had done in my heart over the summer was undeniable, and I felt I had better things to focus on while at school.  That Friday, I rode my bike to work and my manager eagerly introduced me to my co-workers.  I gulped as I walked through the vestibule to the back and received the "look-over" head to toe from the first two male co-workers I passed. (I only share this because it was some-what important to what happened next).

Nick was standing next to the door as I came from the vestibule into the kitchen.  I was immediately shocked at how much he looked like Nick Lachey.  My manager introduced us, and during our brief exchange, Nick held my gaze...never leaving my face.  I felt respected.  I was surprised at how that moment was my "big event" of the night, however I guess it wasn't that surprising that I developed an immediate crush on him.  So much for my big dating plan.  Nick didn't pay any attention at all to me...or anyone, really...the rest of the shift.  It was obvious he was very popular with the mostly female staff, but he seemed oblivious to that too.  Wow, this guy was sooo different!

I didn't try at all to flirt with Nick, only speaking to him when necessary.  One night, it rained extremely hard right as I had to go to work.  I didn't much mind, but of course I had to ride my bike in the rain as I had no other ride to work.  I remember thinking it was fun to ride down the hill and across the highway with the rain and wind blowing in my face.  I must have looked like a drenched, sad puppy when I got to work because almost everyone looked at me with shocked faces, rushing me to the heat lamp to dry off.  I was most surprised by Nick's reaction, as he stood wide-eyed repeating over and over how he had thought about me riding my bike in the rain, and how he almost came to look for me but didn't know where I lived, and how I would never ever have to ride my bike to work again if he had anything to do with it.  I haven't had to ride my bike anywhere since then :)

After work, Nick packed my bike into the back of his Vibe with ease.  He talked the whole way back to campus.  Really, I didn't say a word, and I honestly don't even know what he talked about.  As I got out of the car, he handed me his business card and said if I ever needed anything I could call him.  May I remind you that I already had a crush on him and wasn't about to call a guy first!

The next week, Nick took me home after every shift.  On Friday night, we both got off early, around 9PM.  We made small talk as he unloaded my bike, and then continued talking as I sat on the bike seat in the parking lot.  Eventually, we realized we had no where to go, and Nick threw open the hatch-back of his car and we sat on the bumper, my bike leaning against the side of the car.  I remember feeling elated that he was actually talking to me.  We talked about, friends, beliefs, school, work, etc.  My roommate walked past us at one point and winked, knowing how excited I must be.  It seemed like 15 minutes later when she came back, waving her hands and looking at me, shocked.  She informed me that I had missed curfew and she couldn't believe I'd been out here this long.  Apparently, we had been talking for 4 hours and it felt like no time at all.  After Nick and I said our goodbyes, I went in and told my roommate that I had met my future husband.  I was just that sure!  This was September 8th, 2007.

We went on our first date the next week, to Olive Garden.  I don't remember too much about that night except we finished our meal with raspberry cheesecake.  Somewhere around that time we set strict rules for ourselves, that we would not be alone together and our physical intimacy would not go past hand-holding.  Period.  We did hold hands that night on the bench by the parking lot, a moment highlighted by obnoxious guys riding around singing "can you feel the love tonight" every time they drove past us and taunting Nick to "just kiss her, dude".  Precious.  He did not, of course.

This began our beautiful relationship.  Our dating experience was so fun, and only better by our commitment to keep the physical out of our relationship.  The best part? Nick was the leader in this - never once did he pressure me or even mention going further than holding hands.  Of course, it was hard at first, but eventually our "not" doing anything became habit. 

Nick proposed to me in the most precious way on September 8th, 2008, our one-year anniversary.  We had the absolutely most perfect wedding on July 3rd, 2009.  Now we're heading towards the end of our 2nd year of marriage and I'm more in love with him than I was on day one.  God has been so good to us and I'm so thankful that He answered all of my prayers when He brought me Nick.

I love you, babe!
Oldies but goodies from our first month of dating.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sick Friday

Ok so tonight I'm coming down with a cold. Again.  I think this means I've been sick for about a month and a half.  I am not a fan!  Hopefully the weather will get warmer and Nick and I can both start feeling better.

Nick has been at work most of the day and I've spent most of the day helping my mom make her blog all snazzy.  It's quite snazzy now.  Now, Adrian and I are having a little bonding time.  I don't know too much about my little baby son yet, but I do know that he's getting big and he likes music.  I know that I can get instant spastic action from him as soon as I turn on Pandora and place my computer on my belly.  Trust me, he rocks out. He loves Michael Buble or any other bouncy type songs.  He will be so funny to dance with when he's here! 

All I can think when I see my belly twisting and shaking is that I want that kind of excitement at something so small! Just wait, little one, wait till you see this world! Is that how God feels about His children? I think so.  I'm sure He looks down and at us in all our silly fascination with this world and says just that, "Just wait, little one, wait till you see what I have waiting for you!"

Another thing I keep thinking while Adrian brings my ribs to their very breaking point with his excitement, is that this child does not belong in there!!!  I know it's a crazy thought, but for months I've been quite satisfied, even selfish, with having his little self all close to me.  I have said several times that I would be sooo sad when he was finally born and I would have to "share" him.  But now, as he kicks and punches against my side I am reminded that this child was meant to come out.  God has a purpose for him, and His plan for my little baby will be oh so visible oh so soon. 

In conclusion, I want to share the cute little lambykins I bought for my sweet baby. I'm going to put him in the bassinet to welcome Adrian when he comes home from the hospital!  I got him from  For some reason it was somewhat important for me to find the perfect stuffed animal since they have been so important to me my whole life.  I admittedly, still love them.

Isn't he cute?

Well now I will surrender to the couch and the tissues.  Have a great night!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

35 week Doctor's Appointment

Welcome February!  I'm 35 weeks along now! Only 35 days until my due date on March 8th.  I can also officially say that I'm having my baby NEXT MONTH!  I am now officially in "let's just get this baby out" mode.  No one was kidding when they told me that the third trimester is super uncomfortable, only amplified with the onset of stretch marks that I've managed to avoid until this week.  Boo.

Adrian is sparing no amount of cuteness in getting us excited, either.  He's always moving, and seems to be extremely responsive to outside stimuli.  He squirms enough that friends in church are distracted by his bounciness.    Nick and I are falling more and more in love with him daily.

My doctor's appointment went well today.  My iron is normal as well as everything else as far as "me" is concerned.  My midwife checked Adrian's heartbeat (in the 140's and healthy - yay!). She also felt him and confirmed that he is, in fact, head down - as we suspected.  Next week I will have the Strep B test, and an ultrasound for measurements and weight.  It will be fun to see him one last time before he's born!

Random note of the day: I discovered giant sticky notes at Target yesterday! I spent time last night writing out all my lists of the things I have to get done.  Afterwards, I felt exhausted, but at least I have visual reminder of the things I have to do.  I'm starting to feel the pressure of having only 5 weeks left (if he doesn't come early).  One major thing on my list I want to get done this week is try to get at least partially packed for the hospital.  I sense I will be one of the most over-prepared new moms there.  Oh well.

I'm also putting together a "thanks" goodie basket for the nurses helping me deliver.  If you're a nurse and you're reading this, do you have any suggestions of what to put in it?

That's all for now! I hope all is well in your world this week :)

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