Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Adrian is 18 Months!!

Wow - my sweet, precious, crazy, adorable baby boy is a year and a half already! I don't want to forget this milestone. He has grown so fast.

Dear Precious Boy,
We love you so much. We love that you've grown so fast and we can't imagine our world without you!

We love how you need snuggles before bedtime and can't go to sleep without a little song.

- We love how you're learning to talk more and more. You can say "Sit", "out", "hot", "Cat", "mama", "dada", "yes", "this", "that", "what's that", "have this" and many many more you've invented for your little language. We love hearing you talk. You are starting to refer to yourself as "baybaybee", which is funny to us as we rarely call you"baby". You also started saying "Ohh, Ghee Ghee" when I tickle you - we both love that. You are copying a lot of what we say too. This past week you've said "mama's eyes", "baby's eyes", "broom", "Owen", "cold", "get you" (after hearing me say "mama's gonna get you" when I was chasing you), "uh oh", and a few other words. You love mastering a word.

- You are starting to get more determined. You know exactly what you want.

- You LOVE music. One of my favorite things that you started doing recently is reaching out your hand for me to hold it across the back seat as I'm driving. We hold hands and rock out to the radio in the car. I love that!

- You love your daddy! I love to see you wrestle and play with him. You are very good at playing ball and you love to play all the time.

- You are very into copying everything we do. If we move a certain way, or joke a certain way, you want to be doing it right along with us! You even like to take off your Daddy's shirt when he comes home from work so you can wear it. You look so cute in his over sized giant clothes and you feel so proud!

- You love dancing! You love to spin and wave your arms and always have the biggest smile on your face when you do it. You are still our precious music man! You always melt my heart when you ask me to dance with you. Many of our afternoons are spent swaying to the silly songs we play on Pandora.

- Your best friend is Isabell. You love to follow her around and copy everything she does. We're so thankful you have such a little buddy and hope all our kids have friendships like that in every stage of their lives! It's really fun to watch the two of you interact together.

- You LOVE to brush your teeth! We usually brush them for you after bath time and then you always try to do it yourself afterwards for a good ten minutes or so! Your toothbrush plays an "ABC" song and you've started trying to sing along. You are so cute trying to sing "A, see, see, see, dooga dooga dooga" so sincerely.

- You are a little man of routine. You have a specific routine for every room you walk into - you insist on having the fan and the A/C on every time you enter your room and you have a similar routine for other rooms (the kitchen, the nursery at church, the bathroom).

- You suddenly don't like being dirty - it stresses you out to have flakes of food on your fingers or your clothes. We've never insisted on you being clean all the time (or even most of the time), so this little part of your personality is especially sweet and unexpected to us.

- You really like talking on the phone. You are happy to turn anything into a phone (a block, a CD, a hair brush, a bottle cap) and carry on full-fledged conversations. You love talking to your daddy on the phone when he's at work and he loves talking to you!

- Your current favorite things are: your blanket (you have one favorite but have 4 or 5 that you are also attached to - this helps me with the laundry), your laugh and learn piano(s), your blocks, your gloworm, and your play phones. Your favorite foods are: apple sauce, sliced apples, green peas, cinnamon graham crackers, and gold fish.

We love you so much, baby man! We can't wait to see you be the best big brother in the world. We are SO blessed to have you in our lives. 
We love you too too much. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com


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