Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our 2nd Anniversary

Proverbs 30:18-19
There are three things that amaze me—
no, four things that I don’t understand:
how an eagle glides through the sky,
how a snake slithers on a rock,
how a ship navigates the ocean,
how a man loves a woman.
Two years ago today, I was anxiously getting ready to marry my very best friend.  My family was excited, I was excited, my friends were excited.  The moment I had dreamed of and planned for my entire life was so so close.  Nick and I had decided not to speak to each other until the ceremony, and I could not wait to see him, and for him to see me.  The anticipation was incredible. 
When the doors opened to the sanctuary and I could come down the isle, I had to keep reminding myself not to trip.  Half way down, Nick almost ran to meet me to walk with me towards the pastor.  That day ways the happiest of my life! I'm so thankful to the many, many people who helped us pull off such a wedding on a budget.  There is not one single thing I would change about that day!
Nick and I exchanged anniversary cards this morning, and mine said "turns out the millionth kiss is so much better than the first".  True story.  And the first was good!  We had decided to wait to kiss until our wedding day and by the grace of God we made it.  It was so special.  I am truly a romantic when it comes to weddings, but it was also amazing to finally be able to join in covenant to the one my soul loved.  Nick had walked right out of my prayers into my life. 
I found the one whom my soul loves.
I held him, and would not let him go…
Song of Solomon 3:4
Growing up, I had a very cynical, hyper-realistic view of marriage...although I hoped to have one that lasted, I expected us to be satisfied at best with each other, deal with the difficulties that life through at us, and die old, with barely having had a conversation more serious than the weather in twenty years.  Sad, but yes, this is what I thought I deserved.  I was afraid to believe that I could be happy in marriage when the majority of marriages around me were sad and hanging on by a thread.  I was terrified to hope that *I* could have a loving, fun, solid marriage.  But I do!
God is a romantic.  God is the one who created the poetry we long for in relationships.  He is the author of those mushy feelings we often push aside, dubbing them un-authentic.  However, it was our King that instilled the desire to love and receive love.  How precious is it that we cannot love the one He gives us to share our life with if we do not first fall in love with Him?  We cannot.  It is impossible.  Marriage is NOT meant to be between only one man and one woman without the Lord as the glue between him.  It is this thought that brings me to tears when I think of Nick and I...when I see how much Nick really adores me and when I think about how in love I am with him.  What a gift.
Most of you reading this have been married much longer than we have.  I know that we will have "good years and bad years" ahead of us.  Even the two years we have had have not come easily in any sense, because life is hard and we are human.  Honestly though, I can say I look forward to us being old, stinky and wrinkly, rocking on the porch side by side, holding hands and making jokes about being old and stinky.
To celebrate our two years of marriage, yesterday we went to the Aquarium on Emerald Island. We bought a year membership on our anniversary last year, and so we wanted to go at least once more before it expired.  We were really glad we went! It was a lot of fun and nice to get out of the house for some free fun (the membership has already paid for itself time and time again).  I have been anxious to bring Adrian to the aquarium because I love it so much, and thankfully he did seem to appreciate it.  I'm sure he'll like it more when he's older, but at least he liked the shiny fish scales :)
To celebrate today, Nick and I went to a hibachi steakhouse as our gift to each other.  I've wanted to go to a Japanese restaurant where the chefs cook in front of you for quite a while, and it was much cheaper than our usual celebratory restaurant: The Melting Pot.  It was so much fun!  We shared the table with another couple.  Nick ordered shrimp and I ordered Filet Mignon. Yummy! 
However, the very most embarrassing thing happened to me....I randomly (and without warning) threw up everything I had eaten in the middle of our dinner.  In front of the other couple. In front of the chef. In front of the entire restaurant.  I was (and still am) mortified. Thankfully I was able to duck under the bar to cover myself.  Seriously though, it was definitely the most embarrassing moment of my entire life.
All in was a good day :) Thanks for reading!
"Love is a shelter in a raging storm
Love is peace
in the middle of a war
And if we try to leave, may God send angels to guard the door
No, love is not a fight but it's something worth fighting for"

- Love is Not a Fight (song from our wedding)
Wedding photos by Derek McClelland.  Highly recommend him.

1 comment:

  1. Oh No!!!! I'm so sorry that happened to you!!! I can't believe that! I feel like I was reading a sweet story and then all of a sudden, there was a twist at the end! I was not expecting you to say you threw up! haha! I hope you are feeling better! Girl, I have thrown up so many times in front of people! I know how you feel! Happy Anniversary! So happy that God has blessed you so much!


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