Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hurricane Irene

This past weekend we had the first hurricane of the season. Apparently, Irene is the first hurricane in 20 years to get this close to the east coast.  For all of last week, the news seemed to think that Irene would hit very very close to us, and of course, since we live in an older trailer, we were nervous.  We packed up all our important papers (love notes, etc) and went to my Grandparent's in western NC.  Normally, it would be about a 6 hour drive, but due to everyone evacuating, it took us more than 9 hours! We were all happy to finally arrive, especially Adrian (who was quite the little trooper to be stuck in the car seat for so long!)

Being in the mountains was SO relaxing. We enjoyed our full day at the house...we played phase 10 literally all day due to Adrian's commercial breaks.  We really enjoyed it though and I'm glad my grandparents got to see Adrian.

While we were there, Adrian had his first nightmare. It really scared Nick and I so much. He wouldn't stop screaming and he wouldn't wake up - I finally filled the baby bath tub and put him in it and he immediately stopped crying and woke up. Oh it just broke my heart! He slept in between Nick and I the rest of the night but thankfully it didn't happen again. I hate to see my baby sad!

When we got back, we were really surprised to see so many trees pulled from the ground. We saw several on top of houses and barns and lots of roof and siding damage to different houses. We were really blessed that we didn't have any major damage to our house. Thankfully, the worse did NOT happen and all our friends and their houses are fine too. Thank you, Jesus!
Psalm 34:17-20     
"When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken. "

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