Monday, August 8, 2011

Adrian 20.5 Weeks

Oh, poor neglected blog! I need to remind myself to keep updating because Adrian is growing up so fast.  Currently, we are dealing with teething, and I can't wait until they actually cut through. I feel so bad for him and can't wait for him to have some relief.  Thank goodness for teethers and teething gel. He also loves frozen washcloths, so much so that even when he doesn't have one in his hand, he sucks on his blanket expecting relief.

Adrian has started reaching for things he wants, which is so cute. My heart melts when he reaches for me! He also reaches for his bottle or his toy, or my hot coffee mug (he hears a lot of "no, not for Adrian"!). 

He is sitting up almost completely by himself. When he is distracted, he can sit up without any problems, but when he is focusing on "sitting" he has a harder time with it.

I have started using baby sign language with him and I personally am loving it. He loves for me to sign and sing the ABCs, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and You are My Sunshine. Those songs along with the signs can stop his tears in a second.  I have started signing "milk", "Mama", "Change", "more" and "all done".  It's too early for him to start signing, but he does at least open his mouth and stick his tongue out when I sign "milk". 

Adrian has also discovered his voice, and screams delightedly all day long. It's hilarious, and very loud! At least he likes "talking" - he gets that from his daddy!

Altogether, he is more responsive and talkative. We feel like now that he's this old, we're getting to really know his personality more.  I'm looking forward to "showing him off" to our families this fall. Nick and I love being parents, and lay in bed at night after he's asleep laughing about the cute things he did during the day. It's so much fun! We are so blessed!

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

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