Monday, May 9, 2011

My Mother's Day

I now know why people 150 years ago stayed in the exact same place for hundreds of years.  Moving is insane.  Whoever invented the thought of it is crazy, I tell you, crazy!  Every day the past few weeks we have been packing, painting, moving, shifting, selling, buying, and transforming a new house into our new home for (at least) the next year.  I like it, I just don't like this part.  Seriously, how do two people have so much stuff! And this little person comes with a lot of stuff too :) *sigh*...but he's so cute.

I bought curtains for the living room.  I am pleased with Better Homes and Gardens for selling curtains that come with two panels and an attached valance for an affordable $10.  Good job, BHG.  I am slowly trying to sift through boxes and bags thrown around the house in an attempt to be more organized than I was at the last place.  I have no excuse, really.  There's twice the space.  I'll post pictures when everything is all beautified.

Mother's day was pretty good.  "Pretty" meaning some great parts and some awful parts.  I shall share them with you as I'm sure you "experienced" mamas have had mother's days that are the same!  I didn't get sleep the night before, which is not Adrian's fault....I am getting over a cold and couldn't make my body go to sleep.  I woke up tired, and taking care of the little man took longer than usual, so I missed the long-looked-forward-to mother's day service at church.  BUT, Nick left me beautiful roses and a card, and a gift card to buy fancy new things for the house.  YAY!  We spent the afternoon with friends (another high point), but then my beloved (and dumb) cat knocked ALLLLLLL of my makeup into the toilet.  *cue sobs*. Therefore, my mother's day present to myself will be new makeup.  I need a face, ya'll.

Now I'm off to finish getting the last of our stuff from the old house, and head off to my pp doctor's appointment.  And life continues.

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