Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Life Lately

Well, blogging was my source of sanity while I was anxiously awaiting Adrian's arrival (nice use of alliteration, huh?), but since he's been here I haven't had as much time as I imagined I'd have to devote to it.  I do want to update a little bit though as he is now almost 7 weeks old and getting so big!

We're starting to get into more of a routine, and Adrian seems to finally have his days and nights in order.  The first 4 weeks were rough, but thankfully they now seems like a blur.  Nick and I have figured out a rotation that works for us where we're both getting an acceptable amount of sleep to be able to function appropriately the next day.  We are IN LOVE with this little baby.  Our evenings consist of oooing and awwwing over him.  He is holding his head up, holding our gaze, and starting to make little sweet cooing sounds.  He smiles and laughs on his own, which is the most amazing sound in the world.

In short, all the sleepless nights are 100% worth it!

He is gaining weight really well and I'm anxious to see how much he weighs at his two month check up on the 18th.  He has a cardiologist appointment this Friday because the pediatrician found a heart murmur.  She is not concerned, but I'll be relieved to find out about it this weekend. Hopefully it's nothing serious!

In other news (for the sake of journaling and not as much blogging), two big historical things happened this week.  I experienced my first royal wedding (yay...very interesting).  I grew up knowing a little about Princess Diana since my mom was very interested in her and owned a lot of books about her, I was excited to be able to experience my own Royal Wedding.  I learned a lot and was glad I was able to watch it live, and I enjoyed shamelessly getting caught up in the wedding excitement.  I learned a lot about the monarchy and the Royal family, and it's history.  One thought I had is that it's interesting how the world became so quickly so obsessed with William and Catherine - could it be that we have an inate desire for a hero - someone to rescue us from our commonality and make us "royalty"?  Could it be that our obsession with this wedding of strangers in a country that isn't even ours is an identification with our created longing for service to the perfect King in His eternal Kingdom?  I think so :)
Secondly, our nation's Navy SEALS killed Osama Bin Laden.  Now, since this blog is my soap box (smile), I want to give my thoughts - NO I am not in any way (and never would be) excited, happy, relieved, etc. that a soul is eternally in hell.  I ALWAYS rejoice when I see another person accept God's gift of eternal life, no matter what their background or history.  Honestly, I have been kind of shocked at how some of my Christian friend's on facebook have made comments about how we shouldn't rejoice when someone goes to hell.  I don't think that's what the majority of us are doing (at least I *hope* not!!!).  Let us not forget that 3,000 innocent lives were lost on 9/11 in an attack lead by this man, as well as countless lives of miltary personell who have joined the service and fought because of or inspite of 9/11.  I think most of us are relieved that he has been found - this is just how I feel.  I'm not going to use any verses to back up my opinion as I feel I could take pretty much any verse out of context to back up my opinion, as I've seen a lot already, but I do know that God ALWAYS uses tragedy for our good and His glory, and I trust that He is big enough to use even this in the same way.  End of soap box.
Now that I've updated, there are a few exciting events coming up that I'll be looking forward to blogging about:  Our move to a better place this weekend, my FIRST mother's day, Adrian's doctor's appointments, my sister(s)' graduation, and the first time I get to celebrate father's day in 12 years.  God is so good and there is so much joy in life right now!

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