Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy 10 Months Baby Boy!

I'm back on blogger. I tried wordpress for a few days and as it turns out - cuteness and simplicity are really important to me and wordpress is just not cute (for free anyways). So I'm happily back to what works for me.

I spent almost a full day this week going through Adrian's "old" baby clothes...organizing them by size and kind and whether they're all boy clothes or could be gender neutral.  Surprisingly, it has been a very emotional task! I had to call Nick weeping over a pair of jeans he wore his first week. Those were the cutest jeans and they don't even cover his entire little bottom anymore! It hasn't been that long since he could fit very easily into those tiny onesies and sleepers...I miss newborn Adrian! I'm very thankful that he's big and happy and growing, but that teenie-tiny stage of life just didn't last long enough for me.

I  miss those moments of first getting to know my son...what soothed him, what calmed him, how to hold him and kiss him. I miss him filling my chest, my arms curled tightly around his small-ness.

Now my arms uncurl reluctantly as he embraces the world with new energy.

Those sweet moments I miss are replaced by new ones I'll treasure even deeper. New kisses, new words, new sweet tugs on my pants legs as I fold laundry. Holding my bouncy baby ALWAYS trumps laundry :)
I still miss those little bitty days though, and this bigger bitty days - I will miss these too.
Above photos by Derek Shane
And now our little "Gheegars" (as he is very affectionately most often called) is 10 months old today! We have been so focused on what we want to do for his first birthday that we almost let today slip right by us. Adrian's personality seems to have "blossomed" a lot in the past few weeks. He is extremely self-aware, and is very aware of everyone around him as well. His biggest accomplishment is learning to sign the word "please". He has it down so well that he uses it for anything and everything - of course we think it's absolutely adorable. Also, this month he got his FIRST TOOTH! Better late than never, right? Hopefully other little teeth won't be far behind this one.
Of course, he is still as musical as ever. Often we sit in the living room, me cross-legged in front of him, tapping out a tune on our knees. He bobs his head and I can't stop laughing. Then I grab his hands and we hop around in a circle and I am laughing so hard I can't even finish the song, much less breathe.

His laugh is the best in the world.

As much as I thought he'd be walking by Christmas, he isn't in a hurry to do so apparently. He is still cruising and pulling up on everything, and he can stand alone for a few seconds at a time, but still no steps. Lately, I've been making him "walk" to his room for diaper changes, which he thinks is hilarious. It's probably not helping anything.

Also, at ten months, he is becoming more purposefully loving. Several times now, he will crawl over to me, grab my hand, and put it on his belly or neck and burst out laughing. He wants to be tickled! Obviously I always comply. I'm just amazed that he even thought of it. He also makes me kiss his fingers, which I find adorable. I love this sweet precious baby!

Happy 10 months, baby son. We love you more than anything.
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new.  ~Rajneesh


  1. Abi, he is SO precious. :) I'm loving this time in our marriage...but I can hardly wait to be a mommy someday. :)

  2. Thanks Jamie! We sure do think he's precious :) Having a child has only made our marriage sweeter and I'm sure it will be the same for you when the time comes!


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