Thursday, January 5, 2012

January's Joy Dare (Inspired by A Holy Experience)

A few beloved friends introduced me to the book, "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voscamp. It is a wonderful book, however, Mrs. Voscamp's writing style is extremely unique and I had a hard time keeping up with the entire book (many of my friends love it, and if you are reading this you should pick it up and read it too).  Despite this, I have grown to love her blog. It is deeply personal, very transparent, inspirational, and encouraging - plus, most of her posts include beautiful pictures that I really enjoy.  
When reading her blog today, I found this:
Too bad I found it on the 5th of January, but I want to join in! If you did too, let me know.

January 5th: Something you're reading, you're making, you're seeing.


  1. I googled the words of today;s (January 8) Joy Dare (because someone did that and found my blog) and I found yours! I'm doing it too. :) Love the photos on your blog, and such a pretty blog design! Glad I found you!

  2. Hi Jamie! Thanks! That's a good idea - I'd love to find more people doing it :) Going to look for your blog now...have a good day!


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